The Mind, Body and Soul Health and Wellness Circle offers a wide range of programmatic offerings available to Black gay, bisexual and same gender loving (SGL) men in Chicago. These offerings include, but are not limited to free classes, online resources, and community-building activities.

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About the Health & Wellness Circle

The Intention of the Mind, Body and Soul Health & Wellness Circle is to build and expand holistic communities of support and resources for black, gay, bisexual and same gender loving men.

At the core of this initiative are six Chicago area organizations led by black queer identified men. The Chicago Black Gay Men’s Caucus, Alliance Care 360, Project Vida, Task Force Prevention and Community Services, Pride in the Pews, and Faith United Methodist Church-Dalton. To our knowledge, a collaboration such as this has never existed before, where a collective of organizations led by black, queer identified men in Chicago have intentionally come together to pool our skill sets and resources in service of bettering our collective community.

Who We Are

Project Vida’s mission is to improve quality of life and reduce health disparities in underserved communities by promoting self-empowerment and providing holistic health education and direct services. Located in Chicago’s Little Village community, Project Vida offers a variety of resources and services including housing, behavioral health, case management, acupuncture, massage, as well as HIV/STI prevention education and testing. 
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The mission of the Chicago Black Gay Men’s Caucus is to advance health equity among Black gay, bisexual and same gender loving men by developing community-centered leadership and innovative programs. CBGMC envisions a world where our community experiences complete physical, mental and social well-being. Established in 2005 through the collective efforts of community stakeholders and local public health officials, CBGMC has consistently offered a variety of homegrown and CDC-sanctioned “for us, by us” initiatives ranging from statewide policy campaigns to an annual health and wellness “edutainment” event (LoveFest).
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TaskForce Prevention and Community Services is a grassroots community-based organization serving LGBTQ+ of Color on Chicago’s westside. We serve more than 700 individuals between the ages of 16-29 each year by providing HIV prevention and support services and other services that address the syndemics of HIV (e.g., housing insecurity, un/underemployment). Our “for-us-by-us” approach to service delivery promotes community engagement and empowerment and ensures that our services are community informed, community led and culturally responsive.
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Pride in the Pews is a grassroots nationwide nonprofit that develops, equips, and organizes emerging Black LGBTQ+ leaders of faith and allies to advance social movements through civic engagement, political education and storytelling. The work of Pride in the Pews has been featured in prominent news outlets including the Chicago Tribune, ABC7Chicago, Christian Science Monitor, and Fox32.
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UBtheCURE LLC is a Chicago-based organization that operates at the intersection of faith, health, and human rights, with expertise in HIV/AIDS. UBtheCURE specializes in raising awareness, promoting advocacy, and building capacity for community and faith-based organizations to combat existing and emerging health inequities, with competency in HIV/AIDS policy, COVID-19, LGBTQIA+ communities, gender and racial justice, food security, and peace in Palestine and Israel. UBtheCURE is committed to transforming the healthcare landscape to “treat people, and not just disease.”
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Where faith becomes a force for justice, equity, and inclusion.

At Faith In Action, our mission is to serve as catalysts for change, guiding individuals and groups toward a profound and lived faith that actively seeks justice, equity, and inclusion for all.

Alliance Care 360 is a health navigation center specifically designed to screen, link, and navigate gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men of color (GBMSMC) to equitable care services. AC360 offers HIV/STI screening and linkage to care services as well as a host of support services including housing mental health.
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Leading with Love since 1992

2659 S Kedvale Ave, Chicago IL 60623
4111 W 26th St, #102, Chicago IL 60623
3501 W 26th St, Chicago IL 60623


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